Hello World  0.1.0
A summary

pre-commit license

A project scaffold for new c++ and/or fortran projects.


  • .devcontainer setup which proivdes c/c++ compilers as well as fortran compiler and related tools
  • vcpkg support: add your dependencies to the vcpkg.json
  • cmake support: add your configurations to the CMakePresets.json or CMakeUserPresets.json
  • git lint support to enforce conventional commits
  • pre-commit hooks to enforce proper code via linters
  • some dummy c++ and fortran code to create a hello world app, a corresponding library and unit tests
  • clang-format and fprettify support to get consistent code formatting
  • Sample markdown/plantuml files on how a docs-as-code approach for requirements could look like. The final documentation can be generated with Doxygen.